Make your company a more desirable place to work by offering transit fare to employees at a pre-tax rate.

What is the Job Perks Program?

Our Job Perks program allows employers to offer public transit fare to their employees at a pre-tax rate through payroll deduction. This means that employees are exempt from paying certain taxes on this deduction. This could save your employees hundreds of dollars annually on their commute to and from work.  

Employers can also save. By participating in the Job Perks program, employers will not pay FICA or FUTA unemployment taxes for the payroll deduction amount for each employee enrolled in the program. Employers may contribute to or pay the cost of any qualified transportation fringe benefit (such as public transit fare), but will not be able to deduct such expenses for those specific costs. 

Employers should consult with your tax advisors to determine the tax implications to both the employer and your employees for offering these transit benefits.

The Job Perks program is not a discounted fare program for individual commuters; it is a program for employers to offer as a benefit to their employees. To learn if your company offers transportation fringe benefits, please contact the appropriate benefits representative at your organization.


The Perks of Public Transit

Taking public transit doesn't just save money; it promotes a healthier lifestyle for your workforce.

  • Sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride. Our riders regularly tell us that they enjoy the time commuting to and from work on public transit. Without having to drive, they have time to decompress by listening to music, reading a book, or browsing the web. Other riders like to use this time to be productive – catching up on emails or preparing for a meeting.
  • Expand your benefits package. Offering easy access to transit fares at a pre-taxed rate will be a huge perk for many current and prospective employees, and could be helpful when recruiting new talent. Not to mention it will reduce anxiety around the need to find (and pay for) parking.
  • Go green. Public transit is inherently good for the environment. By reducing the number of cars on the road, using clean diesel, and promoting intermodal commuting, public transit not only helps the environment, it improves the quality of life for all citizens – including your employees.
  • Get additional savings. As a pass holder, your employees are also entitled to numerous discounts offered at area retailers through our ConnectRewards program.

Flexible Options for Flexible Schedules

Through the Job Perks program, your company can offer* employees the following fare options at a pre-taxed rate:

* Tax implications associated with the Job Perks program vary depending on how your company is taxed. To determine the extent of the favorable tax benefits your company and your employees will receive by offering pre-tax transit benefits through the Job Perks program, please consult with your company’s payroll department or your tax advisors.  


How it Works

Once you enroll in the program, the rest is easy.

  1. An account will be set up for your business in our convenient, user-friendly online card management system.
  2. Your company will be provided a supply of ConnectCards ($1/card fee). These ConnectCards are issued to the business or organization, not the employee. Thus, a card can be “blocked” if an employee leaves the program or is no longer eligible. Additionally, the pass can easily be replaced if the ConnectCard is lost or stolen.
  3. Employers are then responsible to assign the cards to staff.
  4. Employers can easily manage the program through an online web portal. Updates can be made monthly, if needed, or the administrator can use the “remember” button for recurring orders.
  5. Employees receive their new pass by tapping their ConnectCard at a farebox, validator or ConnectCard machine.


Enrolling in Job Perks

Interested in enrolling in our Job Perks program? It’s simple! Contact us at 412-566-5283, or fill out our online form.

Contact Job Perks