We can't wait to hear from you! Please select the reason you're contacting us below to reach the appropriate group.
Contact Us

Complaint or Praise
Submit a complaint about a recent experience or let us know what we're doing well!

Have a question? We're happy to help. Your question will be answered within two business days. If you're reaching out during normal business hours, please chat with us or call 412-442-2000.

Title VI Discrimination
Click here to file a complaint if you feel PRT has discriminated against you based on your race, color or national origin.

Suggestion or Idea
Do you have a suggestion or idea that could help us serve you and others better? Let us know!

Lost and Found
Lost something on one of our vehicles? Click here to submit a lost and found claim.

If you were injured on one of our vehicles, on our property or if you were involved in a motor vehicle accident with one of our vehicles, click here to let us know.

Request Route Change
Wish your bus arrived more frequently, used a different corridor, or stopped at a location that it currently doesn't? Have an interesting idea that we should hear? Click here to submit a suggestion or idea!

Disadvantaged Business Enterprise
Our Office of Disadvantaged Business Enterprise & Diverse Business (DBE/DB) Program is committed to creating opportunities for disadvantaged business enterprises (DBEs) and diverse businesses (DBs). Click here to contact the Office of Disadvantaged Business Enterprise & Diverse Business Programs.

Advertise with Us
Transit advertising generates repeated exposures all day, seven days a week. You can reach on-the-go consumers when they are commuting to work or school, attending popular sporting events or out enjoying the many wonderful activities the Pittsburgh region has to offer. Click here to reach our advertising team.

System Data
Have a question about our system data? Click here to reach a data analyst.

Click here to request records under Pennsylvania's Right-to-Know Law.