Whether it's providing a bus for an event, working with residents to determine where a bus should go or simply lending our input for a development project, we play a key role in moving region the region forward.
Community Involvement
Committee for Accessible Transportation
The Committee for Accessible Transportation (CAT) is a volunteer advisory group to identify ways to improve public transit for older adults and individuals with disabilities.
Allegheny County Transit Council
Allegheny County Transit Council (ACTC) is a volunteer organization established in 1984. Its members are frequent transit users. ACTC communicates rider questions and concerns to us.
Sponsorship Opportunities
Find ways in which we can help your organization or event.
Spirit of King
Each year, the Spirit of King Award Ceremony honors the lifetime achievements of a local resident who pursues human rights and equality in the spirit of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Going Green
Our goal is to have a zero-emissions fleet by 2045.